Catholic Heart Works Camps – July 2019

Hope Builders Blog

We are again welcoming older youth associated with Catholic Heart Work Camps (CHWC) from around the Midwest to join HopeBUILDERS in making homes better for our Kansas City Metro area clients Monday to Thursday, 8-11.July. The youth will be working nominally 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM each of the four days. I’ve been amazed in past years with the productive …

HopeBUILDERS 1Q19 Report

Hope Builders Updates

Greetings! I wanted to share with you HopeBUILDERS’recent progress achieved with your support, as well as upcoming plans. Your support has been crucial to our collective fight on behalf of Kansas City’s elderly or people (or families with children) with disabilities who don’t have resources to address their unsafe and substandard housing issues themselves. 2019: In spite of the challenging …

Volunteer Spotlight – Rich LaBelle

Hope Builders Stories

How and when did you first get involved with HopeBUILDERS?  El Slover from Saint Michael’s Church was retiring from the HopeBUILDERS board, and he asked if I would be interested in joining the group. I had just retired, and he made it sound worthwhile and even fun What are some of your responsibilities within the organization?  I served on the …

Volunteer Spotlight – Steven VanLiew

Hope Builders Stories

How and when did you first get involved with HopeBUILDERS?  I learned about the organization through our church, Holy Cross Lutheran.  I volunteered a couple of times two or three years ago, but it’s really only been the last year or so after our daughter went off to college that I’ve been able to volunteer more often. What are some …

Volunteer Spotlight- Paul G.

Hope Builders Stories

Paul has been volunteering with HopeBUILDERS for several years. While April was his last month in the KC area, we are very appreciative of his hard work. How and when did you first get involved with HopeBUILDERS? In October of 2014, I volunteered for a Christmas in October project where I met this awesome guy named Greg Wayne.  We worked …

Helping a local veteran with Team Depot

Hope Builders Stories

Last Wednesday we partnered with Team Depot to complete some home repairs for a local Vietnam veteran and his family. The homeowner, Alfred Jones, heard about all the work that The Home Depot does for veterans and he reached out to the Shawnee store. From there, Grant Greenlee, the Assistant Store Manager there, contacted HopeBUILDERS to apply for a grant …

How do we build a ramp?

Hope Builders Blog

So how do we build a ramp in less than 12 hours? It’s no easy feat. Luckily, we have a great Project Manager who designs the ramps and helps coordinate the project on workdays, as well as incredible volunteers who make it a reality. Here’s a little bit more about our process: Planning the Ramp: We have many things to …

What does a typical workday look like?

Hope Builders Blog

Are you wanting to volunteer with us, but just don’t know what to expect? Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect on our Saturday workdays! Remember you don’t have to have any previous construction skills to join us! 8:30am- Arrive at the site wearing closed-toed shoes and clothes you don’t mind getting dirty. All tools are provided, but you …

April Projects

Hope Builders Blog

The weather this April was ALL over the place, but that didn’t stop us! We served 9 clients this month and loved every minute. Here’s a list of who we helped. Carla Klausner: She needed a ramp in her garage. We relocated the materials from another project that we deconstructed. Robert Francis: Robert needed steps in his garage so he …