Although most people know us for the accessibility ramps we build for those in need, HopeBUILDERS does much more. We also help our clients in the Kansas City Metro with accessibility modifications, critical home repairs and bathroom upgrades.
Accessibility Modifications:
Accessibility modifications can include: door widening, handrail placement, flooring repairs, etc. These are impactful renovations that can increase an individual’s safety and continued independence. Accessibility modifications can also make the difference between a client being able to live at home or be forced to move into a care facility.

Grab bars are often critical for an individual’s safety and continued independence.
Home Repairs:
Home repairs such as weatherization, wall patching and deck repair ensure that our clients can safely live in their home or eliminate fines from code violations. While there are a number of contractors that will provide these services for a fee, very few accessible resources exist for families with a high financial need or for a person with disabilities.

Deck repairs ensure that our clients can live safely in their homes.
Bathroom Upgrades:
An accessible bathroom is one of the biggest barriers for those with disabilities, especially those who are wheelchair bound or have limited mobility. Many homes we work in pre-date any universal design concepts and are generally characterized by small doorways, limited turnaround space and step-in tub/showers. Bathrooms are our most complicated projects because many times we are unsure what is “behind the walls;” there are many unknowns. Our main goal is to give our clients a bathroom that is usable for all mobilities. This often means retrofitting tubs with low-barrier showers and adding grab bars.

Low-barrier showers can make a bathroom more accessible.
Whether we are working on ramps, accessibility modifications, home repairs or bathroom upgrades, all our projects help clients live in safety, comfort and dignity.
Are you skilled in any of the above areas or are willing to learn? Learn more about our volunteer opportunities and how you can help those in need.